It is time to make CCAM a reality together. The European Commission intends to establish a new European Partnership on Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) under Horizon Europe. The Partnership aims to align better public and private efforts through a common and long-term R&I agenda, and to accelerate the implementation of smart, innovative and sustainable mobility solutions for all.

EUCAD 2021 (20-22. April) is a high-level and evidence-based conference where policy challenges meet innovative solutions to deliver on societal benefits. The event is the only conference in Europe that brings together political leaders from the European Commission and Member States with high-level representatives of industry, knowledge institutes and road authorities to exchange knowledge and experience on the most recent technological developments and policies in the area of CCAM.

EPF participated as a speaker in the session called “Accessible & Meaningful: what does it take to make CCAM the citizen’s given choice?”. We presented the SHOW project and how we involve citizens in the development of CCAM services. During the SHOW project, we will organise at least three ‘Ideathons’. These are conceived as brainstorming sessions with citizens and local stakeholders to get solution oriented ideas, recognize gaps or limitations and improve the SHOW pilots, basically. Because, not only will we give prizes to the best ideas, but also we will strive to realise them! Ultimately, what we would like to see is that the general public, and especially vulnerable user groups, would acquire ‘ownership’ of the proposed services and ideas, which would greatly enhance public acceptance but also of course increased added value for users! The presentation can be downloaded here.