About Delphine Grandsart

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So far Delphine Grandsart has created 339 entries.
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    Open letter to Timmermans – Passengers need an easy way to book travel across operators and modes

Open letter to Timmermans – Passengers need an easy way to book travel across operators and modes

By |June 8th, 2023|

Today, planning, booking and executing journeys that involve more than one transport operator and/or transport mode is risky, difficult and time-consuming. Even though a multimodal offer might be the best option, passengers may not consider it due to a lack of awareness and the absence of a one-stop-shop, covering all modes (including first and last mile).

Here’s why Multimodal Digital […]

International Rail Passenger Transport platform publishes its 3rd progress report

By |June 2nd, 2023|

On 1. June, the Platform on International Rail Passenger Transport* published its third integrated progress report. The report includes the main results, conclusions and follow-up actions in the topics from the indicative workplans from 2021 and 2022.

On rail ticketing, both voluntary sector actions and the discussion for regulatory progress are addressed, to boost international rail tickets distribution at short to […]

ITS Congress Lisbon – The Game Changer

By |May 31st, 2023|

The 15th ITS Europe Congress took place in Lisbon from 22 to 24 May 2023. The ITS Europe Congress is dedicated to smart mobility and the digitalisation of transport. The theme this year was ‘The Game Changer’. EPF participated in two sessions, connected to our H2020 projects AURORA (on UAM – Urban Air Mobility) and SHOW (on CCAM – […]

UPPER website launched!

By |May 30th, 2023|

The UPPER project – in which EPF is participating as a research partner – has launched its website!

UPPER – Unleashing the Potential of Public Transport in Europe – is a Horizon Europe project running from January 2023 to December 2026.

UPPER aims to spearhead a public transport revolution that will strengthen its role as the cornerstone of sustainable mobility and […]

Setting the scene for new rail passenger rights

By |May 30th, 2023|

On 17. May, UITP – with the participation of EPF – organised an online webinar ‘Setting the scene for new rail passenger rights’. A revised EU rail passenger rights regulation will be implemented from 07 June 2023. What new rights does this new Regulation bring? 

The aim of the training was to explain the major changes occurring as of 07 […]

Better protection for passengers and their rights

By |April 27th, 2023|

The ‘Better protection for passengers and their rights’ initiative aims to consolidate and simplify the passenger rights regulatory framework and to enhance its crisis resilience, ensuring a better application and enforcement and addressing a number of ‘horizontal issues’ currently not covered for all transport modes, such as rules on the role of intermediaries and adequate insolvency protection.
Key takeways for […]

EPF’s annual report published

By |April 22nd, 2023|

At its Annual General Meeting in Düsseldorf on 22.04.23, EPF adopted its 2022 annual report. The full report is available here and gives an overview of another year full of activities – centered around three core fields of action:

POLICY WORK: EPF acts as a unique platform for representing passengers’ interests in policy formulation at EU level, working constructively together […]

Webinar: Setting the scene for new Rail Passenger Rights

By |April 5th, 2023|

On 17. May, UITP – with the participation of EPF – will organise an online webinar ‘Setting the scene for new rail passenger rights’. A revised EU rail passenger rights regulation will be implemented from 07 June 2023. What new rights does this new Regulation bring? 

This training aims at explaining the major changes occurring as of 07 June 2023 for […]

Rail Passenger Rights – standard form for reimbursement and compensation requests

By |April 5th, 2023|

The European Commission is proposing an implementing Regulation that creates a standard form to make it easier for rail passengers to request reimbursement or compensation from railway companies when rail services are cancelled or delayed (more info here).

In principle, EPF supports the introduction of a uniform, standard form for reimbursement and compensation requests, to make it easier for passengers […]

Multimodal Digital Mobility Services – Ambition needed to increase consumer choice and ease sustainable travel

By |February 28th, 2023|

Today, the European Commission’s Directorate General for Transport and Mobility (DG MOVE) presented its vision for a crucial upcoming piece of legislation – the Regulation on Multimodal Digital Mobility Services (MDMS).

EPF, together with other organisations representing diverse interests from across the mobility sector (consumers, business travelers, rail new entrants, travel intermediaries) strongly support this initiative: “We fully share the […]