During 2019 the work in the ERA PRM TSI working party has come to a final result. After several years of quite intense work a number of improvements are proposed.

The new regulation will be decided probably in June 2020. The results are, apart from rules concerning functional working of railway carriages and station service design, especially two major new quality rules in all EU Member States.

The first one is compulsory: the IoA, the Inventory of Assets. Every MS has to describe the service level of  the stations, at first the major ones, later the smaller ones.

The other important step is that every MS has to decide on a NIP, National Implementation Plan, for upgrading the stations. The future idea is to make a general European information system about stations and trains, available for all potential passengers. But that will be the task of a new working party.

EPF has been one of three passenger organisations participating in the PRM TSI working party, together with the organisations representing disabled and elderly persons.

During 2019 the Working party met five times (in Lille). In addition, the DG MOVE PRM Advisory Body also met twice. EPF representative in both groups was Kurt Hultgren, previous board member of EPF.